This year is going to be extra special for us as a family as we are getting ready to welcome a little one. Ritu is all excited and can't wait to see her little sister who is due on Aug 8th. The desperation is so high that one night when she came to know her friend's mom has delivered a baby, she cried so bad wondering why her little sister is taking so long to come. She was inconsolable. Even though she understood when we explained that baby needs to grow and be completely ready before she can join us, she still sobbed for quite a long time. She has named baby Lala. She says that it's an easy name, and baby has to learn only two alphabets l and a. She demands that this be baby's official name. When I say that official name needs to have a good meaning, she says that she googled it up with ammoomma's help and Lala means song. My tummy gets a lot of kisses. Whenever she kisses me she gives a kiss to Lala as well. Oh Lala, please know that you have such a wonderful sister who has been waiting to meet you from the day she knew you are inside me.
Last day when Arun was taking her to her gymnastics lesson, she was saying two of us are going for gymnastics and 3 of you are staying here, counting lala in.
Last day when Arun was taking her to her gymnastics lesson, she was saying two of us are going for gymnastics and 3 of you are staying here, counting lala in.
We celebrated Ritu's birthday at home and also in school. Theme was My little pony as that's her favorite cartoon series these days. She wanted her birthday party theme to be based around fluttershy pony as that's the pony who takes care of animals and apparently she wants to do the same when she grows up.
Here goes the note to the birthday girl:
Kunji your pre school teacher says you are a social butterfly. You easily make friends with new kids that we meet at park or library. You seem to be excited about making new friends and so you don't seem to be anxious at all about going to a new school for kindergarten this year. You want to be a vet when you grow up. Though sometimes you also say you want to be a doctor who takes care of both people and animals. You speak fluently in Malayalam and English. Since ammoomma is here, your vocabulary in Malayalam is improving a lot. Last day when ammoomma tried to lift up a heavy box, you told her, "Venda ammoomma. Ammoomma ku athinulla sheshi illa" and when she still kept on trying you said, "athinulla arogyam illa ammoommaku". You are enjoying your time with ammomma. She gets zillions of kisses and tightest of hugs all the time from you. You squeeze her tight and tell her "ammoomme enikku othiri ishta" almost always. When I mock you saying "ittaano" you correct me ittanu alla ishtamanu. You miss appooppan and he is still your most favorite person in the world. You amaze me at times. When ammoomma or I get sad, you console us saying appooppan is watching us over from the stars. You call me smarty pants, call almost all of us silly goose. Your most favorite activity is gymnastics. You can't sit still. You keep bouncing on sofa and bed, climb on and off every furniture in the house, try doing cartwheels or simply jump around. You love being read to but you also try reading on your own when we insist. You hate practicing writing alphabets. You are attending Chinmaya Balavihar and you are able to learn all shlokas taught there very easily. You even participated in geetha chanting competition after memorizing 5 shlokas from Chapter 17. Your favorite TV shows are My Little Pony and Little Einsteins. You love Legos and play dough. Your best friends in preschool are Sana, Ishika and Elan. I think Elan is your first crush. And you are Drake's first crush; well his mommy told this to both me and your achan. :D
Kunji your pre school teacher says you are a social butterfly. You easily make friends with new kids that we meet at park or library. You seem to be excited about making new friends and so you don't seem to be anxious at all about going to a new school for kindergarten this year. You want to be a vet when you grow up. Though sometimes you also say you want to be a doctor who takes care of both people and animals. You speak fluently in Malayalam and English. Since ammoomma is here, your vocabulary in Malayalam is improving a lot. Last day when ammoomma tried to lift up a heavy box, you told her, "Venda ammoomma. Ammoomma ku athinulla sheshi illa" and when she still kept on trying you said, "athinulla arogyam illa ammoommaku". You are enjoying your time with ammomma. She gets zillions of kisses and tightest of hugs all the time from you. You squeeze her tight and tell her "ammoomme enikku othiri ishta" almost always. When I mock you saying "ittaano" you correct me ittanu alla ishtamanu. You miss appooppan and he is still your most favorite person in the world. You amaze me at times. When ammoomma or I get sad, you console us saying appooppan is watching us over from the stars. You call me smarty pants, call almost all of us silly goose. Your most favorite activity is gymnastics. You can't sit still. You keep bouncing on sofa and bed, climb on and off every furniture in the house, try doing cartwheels or simply jump around. You love being read to but you also try reading on your own when we insist. You hate practicing writing alphabets. You are attending Chinmaya Balavihar and you are able to learn all shlokas taught there very easily. You even participated in geetha chanting competition after memorizing 5 shlokas from Chapter 17. Your favorite TV shows are My Little Pony and Little Einsteins. You love Legos and play dough. Your best friends in preschool are Sana, Ishika and Elan. I think Elan is your first crush. And you are Drake's first crush; well his mommy told this to both me and your achan. :D
You are waiting for your Lala and we are sure you will be a very good big sister to her. Hugs and Kisses from all of us.
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