Sunday, December 9, 2012

5th month

At the beginning of this month you started trying a lot to move forward. You are always on your knees these days. You lift your hip and take push ups. Ammamma says she has not seen anyone trying this hard and lifting this high. You have moved few steps to the front. But you are not strong enough yet to lift your hands to move forward. But you have managed to find a way to move forward, that is by making a jump to the front, lying on your tummy and then moving your hands and pushing yourself up. You are also trying to sit up.
You have succeeded in reaching a half sitting position.

Till this month you used to love leaves more than flowers but this month you have started noticing flowers and you also pluck them if you get a chance. You know to make sound with a rattle. You can identify the source of a sound perfectly these days. You have a special liking to your appoopan and achachan. Your ammavan has become an expert in handling babies now that he got to handle you. You peed on him the other day and it looked like he peed himself. Ha ha that was a hilarious sight.

You started telling "acha acha" couple days before your achan reached home from US. When achan came home, you were shy at first. But now you are becoming a daddy's girl day by day.

You laugh a lot these days. It is super cute. On Dec 2nd you had your choroonu at Ettumanoor temple. You enjoyed seeing chenda and the lamps lit in the temple. You didn't cry at all. But you didn't know to swallow any of it that everyone gave you.

We tried giving you solids this month. We started with arrow root which is supposed to be very good for your stomach. But you didn't like it at all. So we might wait for another month before starting to give you solids regularly.

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